1  A strong, vibrant light is essential to the growth and health of your aquarium.

  2  For optimum maintenance of plants and fish, it is recommended to light the aquarium for at least twelve hours each day, without interference. Certain species may have specific lighting requirements which may alter aquarium lighting patterns and schedules.

  3  Fluorescent bulbs lose approximately 50% of their lighting effectiveness within one year, resulting in a distorted spectrum, inefficient plant and coral growth and less intense fish colors.

  4  Most bulbs will emit light for a span of 6,000 - 10,000 hours however, their effectiveness begins to wear off after approximately 5,000 hours of usage*.

  5  Replacing bulbs every 8-12 months is recommended depending on daily usage of bulbs*. Timely bulb replacement ensures there is no interference in the biorhythm of plants, and avoids unnecessary adaptation problems for plants.

  6  Glo fluorescent bulbs provide real lighting for every aquarium need. Combinations of bulbs help to highlight and accentuate fish and plant colors, while simulating plant growth and providing a visually pleasing aquarium.

*Based on 12-16 hours of usage per day.

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