Lighting requirements:
  • Light containing a plant growth spectrum

  • Warm to light-blue light for South American cichlids

  • Bright, cool light for African cichlids
The quantity of light for cichlid aquariums may vary between 1 to 3 Watts per gallon, depending on plant and cichlid species. Beautifully planted aquariums are common with cichlids such as Angelfish, Discus, and Apistogramma. Plants such as various species of Echinodorus, Hygrophila, Vallisneria and Cryptocoryne tolerate the soft, warm, acidic water conditions that these cichlids require.

African cichlids from Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika are kept in a hard water environment, which limits the selection of plants that will tolerate such conditions. Beautifully planted aquariums are possible by combining varieties of Vallisneria, Anubias, and Microsorium, with species of Cyprochromis, Julidochromis and Lamprologus. Malawi cichlids, with their striking colors, are stunning when lit with Power-Glo or Marine-Glo.

The quantity of light for cichlid aquariums may vary between 1 to 3 Watts per gallon, depending on plant and cichlid species.
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